build | |
▼ doc | |
► py_tutorials | |
py_bindings | |
py_modules | |
► tutorials | |
► extra | |
combo | |
compensator | |
decider | |
detector | |
feature | |
group | |
predictor | |
tracker | |
upper | |
► introduction | |
linux | |
miscellaneous | |
other | |
► modules | |
algorithm | |
tools | |
▼ rmvl | |
► combo | |
armor.h | 装甲板类头文件 |
combo.h | Combination of the features header file |
rune.h | 神符类头文件 |
combo.hpp | |
▼ rmvl | |
► compensator | |
compensator.h | 抽象补偿类头文件 |
gravity_compensator.h | 重力模型补偿头文件 |
gyro_compensator.h | 整车状态补偿模块接口声明 |
compensator.hpp | |
▼ rmvl | |
► decider | |
decider.h | 抽象决策类头文件 |
gyro_decider.h | 装甲板模块决策器头文件 |
rune_decider.h | 神符模块决策器头文件 |
translation_decider.h | 平移目标决策器头文件 |
decider.hpp | |
▼ rmvl | |
► detector | |
armor_detector.h | 装甲板识别派生类头文件 |
detector.h | 抽象识别类头文件 |
gyro_detector.h | 装甲板识别派生类头文件 |
rune_detector.h | 神符识别派生类头文件 |
tag_detector.h | AprilTag 识别模块 |
detector.hpp | |
▼ rmvl | |
► feature | |
anchor.h | 定位点特征 |
feature.h | Feature class header |
light_blob.h | 灯条类头文件 |
pilot.h | 引导灯类头文件 |
rune_center.h | |
rune_target.h | |
tag.h | AprilTag 视觉标签特征类 |
feature.hpp | |
▼ rmvl | |
► group | |
group.h | 序列组抽象头文件 |
gyro_group.h | 装甲序列组头文件 |
rune_group.h | 神符序列组头文件 |
group.hpp | |
▼ rmvl | |
► predictor | |
armor_predictor.h | 装甲板预测派生类头文件 |
gyro_predictor.h | 整车状态预测派生类头文件 |
predictor.h | 抽象预测类头文件 |
rune_predictor.h | 神符预测派生类头文件 |
spi_rune_predictor.h | 系统参数辨识神符预测头文件 |
predictor.hpp | |
▼ rmvl | |
► tracker | |
gyro_tracker.h | 装甲板追踪器头文件 |
planar_tracker.h | 平面目标追踪器头文件 |
rune_tracker.h | 神符追踪器头文件 |
tracker.h | 追踪器抽象头文件 |
tracker.hpp | |
▼ rmvl | |
types.hpp | 状态类型系统 |
▼ rmvl | |
► algorithm | |
datastruct.hpp | 数据结构 |
dsp.hpp | 数字信号处理库 |
kalman.hpp | 包含轻量级 cv::Matx 的卡尔曼滤波模块 |
math.hpp | 基础数学库 |
numcal.hpp | 数值计算与最优化模块 |
pretreat.hpp | 图像预处理模块 |
transform.hpp | 坐标变换 |
algorithm.hpp | 数学、算法模块头文件 |
▼ rmvl | |
► camera | |
camutils.hpp | 相机基本配置信息 |
galaxy_camera.h | 大恒图像 Galaxy USB3.0/GigE 系列工业相机库 |
hik_camera.h | HikRobot 工业相机库 |
mv_camera.h | 迈德威视相机库 |
opt_camera.h | 奥普特机器视觉相机库 |
camera.hpp | 相机调用 |
▼ rmvl | |
► core | |
io.hpp | 数据 IO 与通信模块 |
rmvldef.hpp | |
str.hpp | Python 风格的字符串处理 |
timer.hpp | 定时、计时模块 |
util.hpp | |
version.hpp | RMVL 版本控制 |
core.hpp | RMVL 核心模块汇总头文件 |
▼ rmvl | |
► light | |
hik_light_control.h | 海康机器人 RS-232 光源控制库 |
lightutils.hpp | 光源控制基本配置信息 |
opt_light_control.h | OPT 奥普特 GigE 光源控制库 |
light.hpp | |
▼ rmvl | |
► ml | |
ort.h | Deployment library header file of the ONNXruntime (Ort) |
ml.hpp | |
▼ rmvl | |
► opcua | |
client.hpp | OPC UA 客户端 |
event.hpp | OPC UA 事件 |
method.hpp | 方法节点 |
object.hpp | 对象(类型) |
publisher.hpp | OPC UA 发布者 |
server.hpp | OPC UA 服务器 |
subscriber.hpp | OPC UA 订阅者 |
utilities.hpp | |
variable.hpp | 变量(类型) |
view.hpp | 视图 |
opcua.hpp | OPC UA 模块汇总头文件 |
▼ rmvlpara | |
► combo | |
armor.h | ArmorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
rune.h | RuneParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
combo.hpp | Combo header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
► compensator | |
gravity_compensator.h | GravityCompensatorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
gyro_compensator.h | GyroCompensatorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
compensator.hpp | Compensator header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
► decider | |
gyro_decider.h | GyroDeciderParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
rune_decider.h | RuneDeciderParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
translation_decider.h | TranslationDeciderParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
decider.hpp | Decider header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
► detector | |
armor_detector.h | ArmorDetectorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
gyro_detector.h | GyroDetectorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
rune_detector.h | RuneDetectorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
tag_detector.h | TagDetectorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
detector.hpp | Detector header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
► feature | |
anchor.h | AnchorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
light_blob.h | LightBlobParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
pilot.h | PilotParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
rune_center.h | RuneCenterParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
rune_target.h | RuneTargetParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
feature.hpp | Feature header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
► group | |
gyro_group.h | GyroGroupParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
rune_group.h | RuneGroupParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
group.hpp | Group header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
► predictor | |
armor_predictor.h | ArmorPredictorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
gyro_predictor.h | GyroPredictorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
rune_predictor.h | RunePredictorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
spi_rune_predictor.h | SpiRunePredictorParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
predictor.hpp | Predictor header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
► tracker | |
gyro_tracker.h | GyroTrackerParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
planar_tracker.h | PlanarTrackerParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
rune_tracker.h | RuneTrackerParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
tracker.hpp | Tracker header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
algorithm.hpp | AlgorithmParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
► camera | |
camera.h | CameraParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
galaxy_camera.h | GalaxyCameraParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
hik_camera.h | HikCameraParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
mv_camera.h | MvCameraParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
opt_camera.h | OptCameraParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically) |
camera.hpp | Camera header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
core.hpp | CoreParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
► light | |
hik_light_control.h | HikLightControlParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
light.hpp | Light header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |
▼ rmvlpara | |
opcua.hpp | OpcuaParam module header file (Generated by CMake automatically, DO NOT MODIFY!) |